Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Today is a day to give thanks and boy are we thankful for so many things. Today as I sit and write this post I reflect on the all of the things that we are thankful for...
We are most importantly thankful for each other--Justin and I have been happily married for 4 almost 5 years and have been together for almost 8! Wow, it is hard to believe that it has gone by so quickly. We have had so many great times together and I think back about so many of them it brings a huge smile to my face. I can honestly say that Justin makes me a better person, a person who I have always wanted to be, and I can only hope that I do the same for him.
Two of the greatest times that we have had together is bringing out two little kiddos into this world! Wow to be parents is such an awesome thing. We are so thankful for Jyllian and Cohl. They really are two amazing kids. We are constantly amazed by what they are doing and learning and growing. We know that our life would not be complete without them.
We are thankful for our families. Although so many of them we do not get to see regularly we are thankful for all that they do for us and the times that we do get to spend with them. We would not be where we are today if it were not for them!
We are thankful for our health! Gosh there are so many people that we know that are sick right now, and not just with the every day sniffle. It really makes us realize how lucky we are to have a healthy family and we pray that those that we do know that are sick to get well!
We are thankful for our friends! You guys are amazing and so good to us.
And above all we are thankful for God, for he is the reason that we are here in the first place.
So we hope that you all have a wonderful thanksgiving and remember to look back and remember all of the things you are thankful for! Thank you for sharing our lives with us! We love you all!!!
Here are some pictures from today--Enjoy :)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Growing Baby....

Cohl is officially 6 months and as much as that makes me sad to say and think is a very exciting and fun time in his life. There are just so many things that he is able to do right now! His new trick is continuous rolling to get to the place he wants to go. It is hillarious. He will also sit from time to time but mainly wants to be moving so rolling is his new thing.

We had his 6 month check-up actually on time this time and he is growing. He has grown 2 inches since his 4 month check putting him in the 30 %-tile for height and is just under 15 lbs so that puts him in the 10th %-tile for weight. Yay Cohl!!! We are just so happy with his growth and development.

Cohl just adores his sister and smiles and laughs every time he see's her. I know I know this will change one day but for now it is the cutest thing ever. Jyllian also adores her baby brother. She is always "helping" him by doing things for him. I have been trying to get Cohl to crawl as he is really attempting it and I will put a toy in front of him to get him to go for it and our little Jyllie-Bean being the big helper she is will just give it to him.

And so that completes this post! Our little boy is for sure growing and I am not too sure how that really makes me feel---glad that he is of course growing but sad because my baby boy is getting so big! *SIGH*

Saturday, November 01, 2008


Another Halloween has come and gone. We had a wonderful day and night. Jyllian got to have TWO costumes. Yes she is spoiled! She was a princess (of course) and then she decided that she wanted a costume like Cohl's which was a puppy! So there you have it--two. We were lucky to find a puppy costume in her size-that was until I washed it and it shrunk but still it was cute. She wore her princess costume to her preschool party and later the night of Halloween trick or treating. Her party at school didn't turn out the best. Justin was gone to training in Idaho Falls so he was not able to attend her party. I took the morning off so that I could go but all she wanted to do was go home. She didn't want to take part in the games and I of course had to be right next to her side the entire time. Miss Kendra said it was very out of character for her... when the party was over I headed to work and Jyllian went to the babysitter. This was on Thursday the 30th; on Friday both her and Cohl went to the babysitter's. I picked her up as soon as I got off work and brought them home for naps before going trick-or-treating. We started off at the hospital and then hit a few houses around my mom's house before coming home to eat some dinner and wait for Justin to get home. Once he got home, Jyll changed into her princess costume and we went to the houses here on our street. We came home and handed out candy before going to bed. PHEW another Halloween come and gone! I can honestly say I am not that "into" Halloween, and I can tell that Jyllian enjoys dressing up but really isn't all that excited about the actual holiday. Maybe she will be more into it next year!?!?! And Mr. Cohl he was just happy that someone was holding him, he didn't care if he was dressed as a cute puppy or not! In someone's arms and he is happy :) So here's to Halloween~hope you had a great one.

Scott Look-alike Meter

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Scott Look-alike Meter

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