Thursday, May 14, 2009

1st Birthda Party--LOTS of Pictures ;)

So this would have been a super cute picture of the 4 of us if Jyllian hadn't made her funny face. She was going Brrrrrrmmmmmm like a 4 wheeler but the rest of us knew what we were supposed to be doing :)

After a long wait I finally said to myself tonight I don't care how tired you are you have to put pictures up of Cohl's first birthday party!!! So FINALLY I'm getting to it and hope you enjoy. We had a great party. We had a nice group of people and we were so glad that our family friends Bob and Lorrie could make it up from Denver and Justin's Dad and Linda were able to make it and his mom Ann! Its so nice to have family around even if its just for special occasions. Cohl has major stranger anxiety and regarless if they are family or not if he doesn't know them he won't go to them. So he pretty much stayed between Justin, I and my mom. He will get over it. I think he was overwelmed with all the people. We had a BBQ first and then openened presents and had cake. We even got a few rounds of pin the tail on the donkey--an all time favorite of mine ;) So here are about 1/4 of the pictures that I took that day not to mention the pictures my mom took and Justin's dad and mom! Enjoy....

Cohl's special cake!His daddy ordered this one with yummy frosting! I didn't think they made HotWheels Cakes anymore :)

Cohl's spot

Cohl's Corner :)

The kids playing. The 4 Wheeler was a big hit!

See?!?!? Cohl Loves IT!

Didn't take him long to figure out how to get his leg over and ride!

Opening present time!

Not really into it!

So onto cake! Our favorite.

Cohl dived right in!

As did Jacob :)

Do you think he liked it?!?!?

He kepts saying "Mmmmmmmm"

I even got a cake face kiss! I don't have that picture on my camera but mom got it. I will try and get it one here as well. It was super cute. So next up.....Jyllian's 4th Birthday. We're doing a camp out in our backyard. Fun!!! Sleepovers--are we ready for that?!?!?

Friday, May 01, 2009


Birthday Day Pictures. I started bright and early :) 6:00am was when the first photo was taken and had I not had to work I would have taken them all day long! He looked soo cute sleeping I had a hard time waking him up. I actually cried thinking about the past year and how quickly it has gone and how much he has grown. Ahhhhhh! Anyways enjoy the pictures...

My sweet bugaboo sleeping away! He looks sooo peaceful ;)

Now he is up and excited about today being his BIRTHDAY!

Eating his birthday dinner veggie puffs and chicken nuggets!

Look mommy it looks like I'm smoking ;)

Icing on the nose from his birthday cupcake! Yummy.

Big messes!