Thursday, June 26, 2008

2 Months Old

Wow has the time ever flown by. I can not believe that our littlest boy is already 2 months old. We've enjoyed every minute of it! It is so fun to see Jyllian interacting with Cohl. She is such a great big sister. She just adores him and loves to play with him although she doesn't quite understand why he can't play with her. She gets upset when he doesn't want to hold her hand, or won't smile at her. Its kind of funny.
Cohl is really becoming his own unique self with his own personality. He is very smiley and likes to laugh. He can roll over from his belly to his back but hasn't quite figured out from his back to belly yet. We took him in to the Dr. at 8 weeks not for his 2 month check but because he was throwing up a lot and he weighed 10lbs. We take him in for his 2 month check on the 8th of July even though he will be 10 weeks by then. So we will see what he weighs then. He is doing really well and we are just sooo in love with both our kiddos! Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Our Princess is 3!

Wow it is so hard to believe that 3 years ago our little girl was born. It seems like just yesterday! She had a great birthday filled with lots of gifts, a day at the pool, and playtime with her friends. She was exhausted last night when we got home from her party and has enjoyed playing with some of her new toys today.
She had her 3 year check-up yesterday. It went well. She is 36 inches tall--so 3 feet and is 27lbs. She is in the 20th%tile in height and the 13th%tile for weight. She did great with all of the developmental tests such as balancing on one foot, jumping on two feet, jumping on one foot, drawing a circle, cross, naming her colors, picking which line is longer. I was very proud of her. She was nervous about being the Dr.'s office--she kept telling me "I am not sick mom." Poor thing just didn't understand. She associates the hospital with me and being sick and having Cohl. At least she was too young to remember when she was in the hospital for being soo sick. Thank goodness that is all over with.
So all in all she had a great day and is doing great! We are just so proud of her and how smart she is. She can count to 13 on her own and to 20 with help; she can count actual objects to 10; she knows most of her colors but gets a few confused; she can count in spanish up to 6; she has quite the imagination as she has several imaginary friends :) April is her imaginary friend, but she also has her guys (we are not sure how many there are), and her kids. April usually does most things with us. Its quite comical. She loves to sing, dance and paint. She can sing twinkle twinkle, old mcdonald, row row row your boat, B-I-N-G-O, her abc's, this old man, and even can sing parts of Taylor Swift songs :) She will start pre-school in the fall--I think that will be a hard day for me! So that is about all. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
We love you all and miss you tons

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Our New House

We're Moving! Granted it is just across town, but still we are moving and we are pretty excited about it. When we moved into our current house 3.5 years ago we had not intention of staying in it forever. We started talking about putting it up for sale last year, but then threw around the idea of moving somewhere else rather than staying in Douglas. We looked into different towns in Wyoming, different states and finally decided that it would be best for us to just stay put. We both have good jobs, its a nice little town, and we've met some good people here. So we decided back in March that we would put the house up on the market July 1st and plan to have a house built in town. We created a 3 page list of things that we wanted to do to the house prior to putting it on the market. Nothing major, but lots of small little things. We knew it would take some time as Cohl was going to be arriving, and we knew once he was here we wouldn't be able to get a lot accomplished but figured we could get it done prior to July 1st. So much to my surprise my husband called me just 3 weeks after Cohl was born and said we sold our house. I said we haven't even put it on the market, are you serious.. Sure enough he was serious. It was a little stressful as we were not real sure what we were going to do. So I started looking at houses in the area--all of which were way over priced. We thought that since we were needing to be out of our house so much sooner than planned that a new construction was out of the picture. After looking at several homes we decided to talk to one of the contractors and see what he could do for us. It was our lucky day as they had a house that was in the process of being built, but was only framed. We went and looked at it, decided we liked it and that was that! SOLD! We were still able to pick out everything for the new house--the flooring, paint, cupboards, doors, countertops etc. So we feel like we are still getting "Our House" just didn't pick the floor plan prior to it being built. Still all in all it is just what we were looking for. 3 bedrooms 2 baths all on one level; 2 car garage; central air; full unfinished basement. Granted the location is not where I really wanted it to be, but we couldn't be too picky there and for 30K under the prices of the other homes we were looking at, we just couldn't beat it. So I am attaching some pictures we took tonight--it is all dry walled :) We should close and move into it the 2nd week in July. We are super excited and will update the pictures as they move further along on it. So many wonderful new changes happening to our family this summer! What a great year it has been so far :)

Front of the house
Living room looking into the kitchen/dining
Living room looking at stairwell to go downstairs into basement.

Stairs going down to basement

Entry way/Front door.

6 Weeks Already!?!?

Wow where in the world has the time gone? It truly seems like just yesterday that I was still pregnant (not happy about still being pregnant, but regardless pregnant :0) and now its been 6 weeks since he has arrived. So much has happened in the past 6 weeks that I think it has made the time go so quickly. Cohl has been doing really good. He is sleeping pretty good at night--normally in 4 hour spurts so we can't complain too much. There are even some nights that he will sleep for a 5 hour stretch woohooo! So he is doing good there. He seems to be putting on the weight--I am sure he is probably close to 8lbs now which is great considering he had lost so much when he was first born due to his jaundice. He has starting to smile, which you can see from the pictures I posted earlier in the week. He has rolled over from his stomach to his back, and will roll onto his side from his back. We have a feeling he will be an early achiever of rolling, crawling and walking. He is so strong! So we are good.
Jyllian is doing good as well. She will be three next week. Can you believe 3 years old already. It really does seem like just yesterday that we had her. I can't believe how big she has gotten. Not so much in size but just in her maturity. She just cracks us up. She is doing good with Cohl. She gets jealous at times but that is to be expected. We are trying to get her to do more things with her dad as she is very much a mommy's girl. Cohl seems to be a mommy's boy as well, so poor Justin gets neither of them. So we are trying to change that :-)
We had a busy two weeks as my dad was out visiting from Michigan. It was great getting to see him and was glad that he was able to meet Cohl and see Jyllian. It had been far too long since he had seen her. So that was nice. We look forward to his next visit.
Other than that not much is going on...we are just thankful for everything we have. We are truly blessed with such a wonderful little family! We're loving every minute of it :)
So I am attaching some pictures of Cohl from today. Happy 6 week Birthday Cohl!!! ENJOY!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Happy Baby!

This morning Cohl was wide awake and not ready to go back to bed so we decided to take pictures instead so he could show off his smile. Hope you enjoy....I am going to try and get a video of him on here soon.