Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Our Princess is 3!

Wow it is so hard to believe that 3 years ago our little girl was born. It seems like just yesterday! She had a great birthday filled with lots of gifts, a day at the pool, and playtime with her friends. She was exhausted last night when we got home from her party and has enjoyed playing with some of her new toys today.
She had her 3 year check-up yesterday. It went well. She is 36 inches tall--so 3 feet and is 27lbs. She is in the 20th%tile in height and the 13th%tile for weight. She did great with all of the developmental tests such as balancing on one foot, jumping on two feet, jumping on one foot, drawing a circle, cross, naming her colors, picking which line is longer. I was very proud of her. She was nervous about being the Dr.'s office--she kept telling me "I am not sick mom." Poor thing just didn't understand. She associates the hospital with me and being sick and having Cohl. At least she was too young to remember when she was in the hospital for being soo sick. Thank goodness that is all over with.
So all in all she had a great day and is doing great! We are just so proud of her and how smart she is. She can count to 13 on her own and to 20 with help; she can count actual objects to 10; she knows most of her colors but gets a few confused; she can count in spanish up to 6; she has quite the imagination as she has several imaginary friends :) April is her imaginary friend, but she also has her guys (we are not sure how many there are), and her kids. April usually does most things with us. Its quite comical. She loves to sing, dance and paint. She can sing twinkle twinkle, old mcdonald, row row row your boat, B-I-N-G-O, her abc's, this old man, and even can sing parts of Taylor Swift songs :) She will start pre-school in the fall--I think that will be a hard day for me! So that is about all. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
We love you all and miss you tons