MONDAY April 13th, 2009
Last Monday Justin and I both had the day off and so we were able to spend it outside with the kids. Justin actually was starting to get sick, but we still went outside and let the kids play. Jyllian really wanted to ride in her jeep since we haven't had it out all winter. We thought well maybe Cohl would enjoy riding in it. We did not think he would enjoy it as much as he did! He LOVED it and it was the cutest thing ever to see Jyllian driving her brother around. We decided that we had to save these pictures as Cohl probably won't think its too cool later in life when he has to have his sister drive him around not to mention he is in a PINK BARBIE Jeep. Too cute. They had a lot of fun, playing with sidewalk chalk, riding in the jeep and Cohl walking in his walker. It was absolutely beautiful outside. Hard to believe later in the week we got snow! The rest of the week was a little rough. Justin ended up getting a really bad cold and had to take time of work (which is very unusual for him) both kids got sick too. I on the otherhand have not gotten it so far. I am keeping my fingers crossed that its not going to happen. I have a feeling that I am a carrier for most of the illness' that everyone has gotten as I have gotten most of them. Thank goodness--I am not complaining :) Not only did the kids and Justin get sick but we also got hit with yet guessed it SNOWSTORM! Are you kidding me?!?! So here is a picture of the snow while driving to work on Friday morning---I was stopped at a stop sign :)
We ended up getting around 5 inches and it was a big wet mess outside. But by today it was all melted and its beautiful out again. This week we are supposed to be in the 60's and 70's thank goodness! I am going to love it as I really have Spring Fever!!! So here hoping that it gets and stays warm!!!!
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