Sunday, September 06, 2009

Happy 29th Birthday Justin

July 22nd was Justin's birthday. Gosh I'm terrible that I didn't even post a Happy Birthday Post to my wonderful hubby on his bday. He had a great day..except for an allergy attack that left him not being able to breath for a little while. But he recovered and we ended up having a great day. As mentioned in the earlier post our friend Adrienne and her littlest boy Breken came down for a few days so they were able to take part of the festivities :) We had a nice relaxing day followed by a ymmy dinner at a mexican restaraunt and then hung out by the fire pit in the back yard with a little drinking. Justin and Adrienne took a shot of Pendelton (sp?) but no no for me! It was funny to look out in the yard the following morning as both Justin and Adrienne had left their beer can stack on the rocks next to their chairs. Its no wonder they both felt a little under the weather :) But at least they had fun and I did too. Happy Birthday Justin (over a month late ha!) I love you more than anything in the world.

A yummy Better Than Sex Cake I made for Justin.

Justin waiting for his presents

I didn't wrap them :)

This was the first "gift" I gave you can see he was soo impressed with his Crabby Patties haha! At least there was a gift card in the envelope.
And lots of other real gifts to come :)